About Reliance Treatment Center
The Reliance Treatment Center of Statesboro staff offers treatment for what many call opioid addiction using a team approach. Our treatment team is experienced, well-educated, and well-trained to understand that opioid addiction is in reality Opioid Use Disorder. Opioid Use Disorder is a disease brought on by prolonged opioid use and it is a disease that affects millions of Americans. It is not the result of morally weak or not being strong enough to simply stop using opioids.
According to the American Medical Association, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, just to name a few, Opioid Use Disorder is the diagnosis for a disease that affects the neuroreceptors in the brain.
The diagnosis of Opioid Use Disorder applies to a person who uses opioid drugs and has at least two of the following symptoms within a 12-month period:
- Continuing to use opioids, despite the use of the drug causing relationship or social problems
- Craving opioids
- Failing to carry out important roles at home, work, or school because of opioid use
- Giving up or reducing other activities because of opioid use
- Knowing that opioid use is causing a physical or psychological problem, but continuing to take the drug anyway
- Spending a lot of time seeking, obtaining, taking, or recovering from the effects of opioid drugs
- Taking more opioid drugs than intended
- Tolerance for opioids
- Using opioids even when it is physically unsafe
- Wanting or trying to control opioid drug use without success
- Withdrawal symptoms when opioids are not taken
If you or a loved one are experiencing the symptoms of Opioid Use Disorder, our staff can help you find relief by accurately diagnosing the real issue and by providing treatment that can help you overcome the symptoms of Opioid Use Disorder.
When we ask our potential patients what they hope to get out of treatment, the most common reply is, “I just want my life back.” When we begin treatment with a new patient our goal is to find the correct dosage of methadone or buprenorphine (generic Subutex) that will allow the individual to overcome their dependence on illicit opioids, reduce, and in most cases, eliminate withdrawal symptoms, drive a car without impairment, gain and maintain employment, improve physical and mental health, repair broken relationships, and live a self-directed life. In short, our goal is to help you get your life back by helping you live a lifestyle that is no longer focused on chasing illicit opioids.
Code of Ethics
Our Ethics Policy
Policy: Reliance Treatment Center of Statesboro sets ethical standards to guide Reliance Treatment Center of Statesboro relationships with staff, consumers, and the community.
The ethical standards of Reliance Treatment Center of Statesboro are:
- The Reliance Treatment Center of Statesboro staff will conduct themselves in compliance with Reliance Treatment Center of Statesboro’s ethical standards and the standards as reflected in the mission and goals.
- Reliance Treatment Center of Statesboro will conduct its marketing and admission practice in an ethical manner. Marketing material will reflect only the services available and the level of licensure and accreditation.
- Persons served will be billed for only those services rendered.
- Full information will be provided to the person served on the source of the organization’s reimbursement and any limitations placed on duration of services.
- Information regarding the person served will be held in the strictest confidence and will not be released without the permission of the person served or as provided by law.
- Reliance Treatment Center of Statesboro will communicate its ethical standards to persons served during orientation and will be made available in writing.
Choice of Services
Patients will have input in their plan of care, whether it be methadone maintenance for an indefinite period of time, or methadone detoxification. Individual reduction in dosage over a period of time will be decided upon by the patient, in conjunction with staff, for a safe, medical withdrawal at a rate that is well tolerated.
Treatment Outcomes
Success in treatment will be measured and monitored.
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) has several benefits including:
The reduction or elimination of illicit opiate abuse, as well as abuse of other drugs
Enhancements in patient’s quality of life, due to the restoration of physical and mental health and improved levels of functioning
Reduces overdose events among individuals with opioid use disorders.
Helps prevent relapse and facilitate longer periods of abstinence when used with integrated treatment plans that take other health considerations into account.
Relieves the withdrawal symptoms and psychological cravings that cause chemical imbalances in the body.
Promotes recovery among individuals with opioid use disorders.
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